Monday, November 23, 2009

HW 26- Photos & Questions

Henry Guss, High Schooler
First off, some people say appearance is everything, so what would this say about you?
I am everything.
Do you ever see other people with this look when you're out and about?
No, I'm unique. Not really, nobody. Not many people are doing the button down shirt anymore.
How does that make you feel?
It makes me feel good, really good. I feel like an individual and different and not the same.
Would you say you're cool?
I'm quite warm actually. (Laughs) There's no such thing as cool.
What makes you say that?
Cool is whatever somebody makes it out to be and I make it out to be nothing.

Alex Simmons, Writer
So there is the old saying, appearance is everything. What would this say about you?
That I am a slob. (Laughs) I'm an easygoing kind of guy, I like to present myself well but I don't have to be fancy to do that.
Do you ever see other people with this look when you're out and about?
Yes, I do. There is what you call business casual and another level even, where people will wear a button down shirt unbuttoned with jeans when they work in computers or communications and don't have to worry about appearance as much.
How does that make you feel?
It doesn't bother me, I know who I am.
Would you say you're cool?
At times, I'm not perpetually cool nor do I think about being cool but there are times when yes, I think that I am cool. Cool is a state of mind and what I might think is cool, other people might disagree but I don't need their acceptance.
Do you think cool matters?
It's not really a yes or no question, it matters to some people but it shouldn't be how you judge yourself all the time, but it can be fun or it can be crippling if you let it overcome you and stop you from being who you are.

Name omitted, Art Student
First off, some people say appearance is everything, so what would this say about you?
Well, I think it's important not to look like a mess, because then people get a certain impression of you that may not be correct. appearance is how you project an image of yourself to the outside world, and I always keep that in mind when I get dressed in the morning. The way I look isnt precisely the way I want people to see me, but it's close enough.
What would make it precisely how you want people to see you?
Well it depends on the situation. Like on a casual level I wanna look laid back, but not like a slob, and put together but not too made up, if that makes sense. That reflects my general attitude but not really my 'inner self', mostly because my inner self is a huge freaking nerd.
Do you see other people with a similar look when you walk around?
Yeah, sometimes.
Do you care? How does it make you feel? Do you feel like you can connect more with them?
It doesn't really bother me. It's impossible to be entirely unique when it comes to clothes, and i don't really care unless people are looking at me and thinking "Oh my God HIPSTERRRRR" or whatever. Ugh, hipsters. I don't feel particularly like I connect with people based on appearance--mostly because I know I probably don't connect with them in terms of the way our minds work.
You mention "hipsters". What is it about them that annoys you? What would you call a hipster?
Hipsters. Pretentious, annoying, and nowhere near as intelligent or forward thinking as they think they are. The most irritating hipsters are the ones who have money yet insist on going to thrift stores and dressing themselves in secondhand clothes. They're a perfect example of people trying SO hard to be different that they just end up conforming.
So are you cool then?
(Snorts) Depends on your definition of cool. Am I conventionally cool, definitely not. Some people think I'm cool and a hell of a lot of people would say hell no.

Marco Gonzalez, Realist
Some people say appearance is everything, so what would this say about you?
I dress simply and efficiently to reflect who I am.
Is this a common look outside of yourself?
Not really, everybody seems to try to get a certain look but I choose my clothes based on how comfortable they are rather than how they look. I dress more for function than form.
Would you say that is a good way to summarize your mentalities in general?
Would you be surprised to find this kind of function-first mentality in a more mainstream venue?
Yea. It’s easy to sell shiny shit, spin rims on cars for example, but it’s hard to sell something that just there to serve a purpose, and since corporations dictate what the mainstream says and shows they're going to display flashy pointless things that look nice but serve little to no purpose.
Do you think that the things the mainstream media promotes are cool then, by your own definition of the concept?
No, because things like skinny jeans may look cool but they're probably not that comfortable and wearing your pants "half-mast" can't be comfortable either, especially in winter so there's a lot of fads that may look nice but don't make sense logically to follow.
Do you think you are cool by your own definition?
To clarify, my definition of cool is someone who knows what they want to do, whether it's their purpose what they do for fun or whatever it may be. The attitude and “swagger will follow that”. By my definition I think I'm cool because I live my life the way I like it, I don't have to be an attention whore to be happy, I know what I like and don't like and I'm content with my life the way the it is, I don't need to dress it up in expensive shit to make it better.
Would the mainstream cool agree?
Probably not since I'm not dressed up in expensive clothes and I don't go to parties and get wasted or listen to mainstream music etc.

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