Thursday, December 3, 2009

HW 27- Informal Research- Interviews and Surveys

Family member-

Me: Do you think that tabloids are cool?
Family member: Yes.
Me: Why?
Family member: Because I think that that shit is funny.
Me: But would you say it is "cool"?
I think it's actually kind of pathetic, but I think that it's funny. I'm kind of a jerk (Laughs).
Me: Just to clarify, what is your definition of cool?
Family member: I hate this (Laughs again). Something that really kicks ass I guess. Somebody that isn't a wimp, somebody that just does whatever they want and they stick with their cause. I don't give a shit what anybody thinks and I think that makes somebody cool. They don't care if anybody follows them or not, they just do it anyways, I think that's cool.
Me: Going back, why do people live through celebrities?
Family member: People like to live through other people so they use to it to live a good life.
Me: Are children cool?
Family member: What does that mean? Some children are cool I guess. My children are cool (Laughs), but most kids are cool. But at the same time a lot of kids suck though. I think that it is too general to judge, some are good, some are bad, some are lame.
Me: Who is a cool celebrity? Or who is your favorite?
Family member: THE coolest celebrity... I have no idea (Laughs). Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus (Laughs). Lady Gaga or Amy Winehouse. Because she is a train wreck and I love it. Kate Moss, David Bowie. I think they are pretty cool. Mick Jagger is really cool.
Me: Why are they cool?
Family member: Because none of them give a shit, they are all individuals and have their own style and aren't afraid to revel in it.
Me: Who did you think was cool when you were little?
Family member: Punky Bruster. Pippy Longstocking, Michael Jackson. They were really funky and they made me stop and pay attention, they stood out. I thought that was cool.

Street Interview 1-

Me: Are children cool?
Man with stroller: I think children are very cool, clearly (Laughs).
Me: Do you think that the mainstream media perceives children as cool?
Man with stroller: I don't really care. I think they're fun and that's all that matters to me.

Street Interview 2-

Me: Are tabloids cool?
British man: No, not at all.
Me: What do you think about the people that follow them so closely?
British man: I think poorly of them. They have a low I.Q.
Me: What about children, do you think they are cool?
British man: Yea, I suppose so, yes.
Me: Who is your favorite celebrity, or the celebrity you think is coolest?
British man: I don't have one. They are just human beings, people. Doesn't make them any cooler than anybody else.

Street Interview 3-

Me: I see that you are an animal lover, do you think that the media sees animal as cool?
Man with dog: Yes, they always seem to shine them in a pretty positive light.
Me: Do you think that kids are cool?
Man with dog: Well... no. I mean, not for me personally, I don't like kids that much.
Me: What do you think your family and friends would say?
Man with dog: They would think they are, they all pretty much like kids.

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