Sunday, May 23, 2010

HW 58-Parenting 102

Part 3:
Key points from Ms. Plaza:
  • Lots of support is important
  • Breast-feeding is important
  • Parent-child relationships are dysfunctional, it's a one way relationship with the parent and the child's beck and call
  • Father and mother figures are important even if they're not the biological parents
  • Children inherit parents baggage
  • It's perfect healthy if you don't have kids. It's better than forcing yourself to have them when you don't want them
Key points from Mr. Marks:
  • Coaching approach of teaching is preferred (For him)
  • Giving them a lot of structures and activities as a child gives kids a head start
  • Strengthen your strengths when it comes to the child
  • Unstructured play and natural learning is healthier but does not guarantee mainstream success. This is more common amongst the working and middle class
Key points from my dad:
  • Protecting your child and making sure they're safe
  • Teaching a good sense of morals
  • Being civil minded and helpful
  • Making sure the child is happy and innocent so they see the good in life (Optimism)
  • Structure is important so that kids have a foundation to build off of
  • Rules, kids like to follow rules
Out of the parents interviewed, the general consensus was that children need to be given free reign over their life, however they do need to be pushed in the right direction every now and then. Early childhood is unanimously important for both the parents and the child, as this is when the mother is at her weakest and the child their most malleable, so a strong structure must be provided to ensure that both parties survive and thrive.
In childhood though, a parent has to make sure that their own flaws do not come out in their child, as children carry their parents baggage but instead they should take the opportunity to strengthen theirs own strengths in the child so that they will perform even better. In addition, structure is important here, to establish that they will have a civilized child who will be able to adhere to society well. These statements and beliefs in raising children lead to the conclusion that these will lead to a continuing society as it currently stands.
Part 4:
Will Smith once released a song called Parents Just Don't Understand. In it he said the following: "You know parents are the same, no matter time nor place they just don't understand that us kids are going to make some mistakes. So to all you other kids across the land, there's no need to argue. Parents just don't understand." On that note, parents don't see things through the eyes of a child and they shouldn't. Parents often do understand, sorry Will, but they overlook the wants of the child to give them what they need. On this note, it turns out that the Rolling Stones were right, you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need. That's what parents are here for, to give kids what they need to succeed and be happy.

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