Sunday, May 16, 2010

HW 56- Interviews and Survey Question

Part 1:
Q1: How did you meet your best friend?
Q2: How long have you known your best friend?
Q3: Have you lost touch with any close friends?
Q4: How did you meet that friend?
Q5: How long were you friends?

Part 2:
Interview 1: Mr Z
Q1: High school chemistry class.
Q2: 10 years roughly.
Q3: Yes, totally.
Q4: High school as well, same class even.
Q5: 8 years.
Interview 2: My friend (17 year old boy)
Q1: From school.
Q2: 4 years.
Q4: School as well, middle school though.
Q5: Three years roughly.
Interview 3: My friend (18 year old boy)
Q1: After school program at my elementary school. We both did something like dance or music, I can't really remember. We hated each other but then eventually we became best friends over the years.
Q2: Well, going with that same friend, almost 13 years now.
Q3: Yea, but not too many.
Q4: Sleepaway camp.
Q5: About a month, we lost touch pretty quick.
Part 3:
In most cases, people seem to group well with those that they went through a developmental period with. For example, with Mr. Z, his closest friends came from high school, a period of time in which most people are formulating their identity and becoming who they will be for the rest of their life. As a result, they may form very much into the same or similar people, and therefore get along better because it's more like talking to a slightly different version of themselves. For my friend who is 18, the bond formed from elementary school based after-school programs, a branch of the institution of school. Therefore, these interviews show that people forced into institutions at a developmental period form closer, long-lasting bonds.

Part 4:
Do institutions create closer bonds?

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