Sunday, October 4, 2009

Commenting on a single comment since not everybody commented on my post like they are supposed to

Thank you for your comment. I like your light humor in the beginning of your posting, it was a nice lead-in to your comment that also accomplished a purpose in explaining how vegetative people are when playing video games.
I found it helpful that you diverged from just talking solely about shooting game or console games, instead expanding your point to encompass an entire genre of gaming and that, coupled with my video, shows the entire spectrum of gaming. I think it is important to not focus too much on one thing, but by focusing on one aspect of the experience like that
Your comment made me think about how people try to displace their true self and leave their body helpless and lifeless to act out another life that they would rather be living for the time being. I think that this is very common, because video games can often be like trying on a different kind of life, when it is a game like the Sims or a military game, so you can have a better idea of what to expect, if not wholly accurate.
Your point about people playing games because they are lazy is very interesting to me, as the gradual decline in fitness levels and attentiveness is something I am very interested in. I have in the past just thought about the food aspects of it, but when you think about it, much of the digitalization we are currently experiencing is to blame instead.
Something we both seem to want to explore is how to make people switch back to doing the real version of something they are doing virtually. Granted, not everything can be done for real with responsibility, but like playing Uno or billiards. It would be interesting to do a survey to determine a way to hook people back into reality, something that is no easy feat.
Thank for the comment,


  1. Ah... the displacement Snyder was talking about. I feel that one my reasons for playing MMOPRG is to have another "me" or kind of like a fake "me" to interact with people around the world, without having to fully show them who I am. It sounds like the song, where yu just use computers to talk to people and then x the box when you do not want to deal with people.

  2. It is interesting that you worded it like that, "x the box" because of XBox, a clever way to say that you are given the opportunity to talk to people as you wish, not as you have to, like in real life.
