Monday, October 5, 2009

Informal Research

Concerning Facebook

Site 1:

Site 2:

Site 3:

Site 4:

Site 5:

Alright, so everybody knows Facebook is everywhere, that Facebook is growing, all that stuff. These sites show you actual statistics that support these vague statements that everybody seems to make all of the time. The most interesting of which, I found, was the fourth link, which talks about the quality of these relationships on Facebook. The survey shows that there is not a linear relation between how many Facebook friends you have and how many are real quality friends, but rather the amount of quality friends is a near constant, with a number ranging from 3/50 (Quality to quantity) to 5/50, and finally to 10/150.
I find this interesting that out of all of those Facebook friends that so few are quality friends, but then I think about my own experiences and I feel that this is mostly accurate. Facebook is really just a tool (For me at least) to talk to friends that I have lost touch with. Many of these friends were once close to me, but they drifter off for a reason, something that becomes apparent when I talk to them online. In fact, in the nearly 3 years since I have joined Facebook, I have only gotten close with 3 people on it that I didn't encounter on a regular basis. I think this goes to show that Facebook loses value quickly, and that really it is just a counter to show how many people you know, or have known in your life.

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